
“The Room and the Street” - Minor Literature[s]

“Perpetual Care” - new_sinews

“Understory” - Kenyon Review (print & online) (audio)

“Here, There, or Anywhere Else” - CHEAP POP

“Alleyway Memories”  - Sledgehammer Lit

“Three in the Afternoon,” and “Bodies” - B O D Y

“Elena’s Letters” - Tiny Molecules

“Two-in-One” - XRAY Lit Mag


“Against Summary” - Women* Write the Balkans

“The Inevitable Void in Irena Klepfisz’s ‘Bashert’” - Annulet: A Journal of Poetics

“A Sounding Line” - Barzakh Magazine


“sound, sea” - Sycamore Review (print)

“Embouchure Questions the Past,” “Montserrat Screaming,” and “A History of Teeth” - Great River Review (print & online)

“Anti-History” - Muzzle Magazine

“Language Politics” - Bennington Review (print)

“Terminology for the Writing of History” - Washington Square Review (print)

“basal rosette” - Prolit Magazine

“VERB,” and “disappeared, sea” - The Babel Tower Notice Board (here)

“Silent Sunday” - Warscapes

“Tell me the name,” and “Person with the wound in the head” by Ali Podrimja - Apofenie Magazine
Undermarket” by Mirjana Đurđević - Belgrade Noir, Akashic Books
“Wishes for 1937” by Migjeni - Warscapes

Find my translations into Albanian here.